Saturday, February 28, 2009

strauch finest drum carder

I have been carding and carding! I really like this drum carder. It does a great job. I pull my wool apart really well before carding. It makes nice thick puffy batts. I also like to make 2 thin batts of merino and place loose angora fiber evenly over 1 batt and then cover with the second batt and press it down then roll it up like a big rolag(roll from end to end not side to side). I then predraft this into a long thinner length before spinning from it. I then spin this in the woolen long draw.


  1. I received a strauch motorized carder for Christmas. Just like yours but with an on/off switch (also a couple more buttons). My problem is that I like it so much, I've made more batts already than I can spin in the next year. What to do?

  2. I have started an etsy store. Have you considered that?

  3. I have a Strauch also and love it! I want power like Shelly....
